Monday, June 29, 2009
Nerve Wracked
This afternoon I will be undergoing an interview for a regular nurse position in our hospital. I must admit, I am nervous and anxious and scared and...... whatever! Please help me pray for this one. I hope I would surpass this one with flying colors. Ciao for now. Got to get ready!
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Glass Art at its Finest
I have always been fascinated with arts. For me, it is a form of self expression. I love to visit galleries featuring the works of famous local artists. In college, most of the time I stayed in the Arts and Literature section of our university's library. I spent hours and hours looking into the pictures of the different paintings and other architectural works of the medieval times. I basically love to draw and am somehow fond of music and love to dance, so obviously my artistic side sort of dominates my personality. I observed once a sculpture showdown were in they used different mediums such as ice, stone and wood. In one of our field trips we had in school, I was able to try molding a pot with the use of clay. Though mine was not that good looking but the experience I got is all worth it. But there is just one art that I would at least like to observe on and its not very common here in our country and the glass making or glass art. I've seen many demonstrations over You Tube and I love to really witness an actual glass blowing session. There only one person that I can really associate with glass art and that is Dino Rosin. He has this amazing site that displays amazing work of art. You can also place your orders online if you're interested to own one of his superbly designed glass arts. And, for those who want to see his works upclose and personal, Dino Rosin's works has graced numerous galleries all around United States.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Dad, You're the best!
Happy father's day to dad! We wanted to make this day a very special one to him that is why we are going to gather tonight for a dinner. Mom will be cooking dad's favorite Chicken Curry, I am in charge of the desserts, my cousin and little sister will be in charge of the other viands. Just a simple celebration to affirm dad that he did a great job in raising us as his children. So much sacrifice he has given that we cannot repay them all in any sum of money. The best thing we can give him and to mom too, is to better our lives and become responsible parents too for our future families. Love you dad!
Saturday, June 20, 2009
100% Profit Guarantee
Are you as business minded as I am? Well, if you are, let me introduce to you these amazing vending machines that would surely give you a boost in your profit. It is a 100% guarantee that you get back the investment in no time. Almost everybody in this world avail of the services of these vending machines be it in the streets, parks, grocery stores, hospitals, train stations and bus stops. People will surely use these vending machines to purchase candies, food and drinks to satisfy their physical needs. Since most of the people use these machines, it means only one thing and that is a much bigger profit. Businessmen and women can save much on manpower cost as this machines works 24 hours in a day on its own. My interest on this kind of business, the 1800Vending got me connected with 1800Vending Net. In the website, I learned so much of how this business goes about as they are tackled in the 1800Vending Article. An example of a Candy Vending Machine was expounded. With the flow of the discussion some of the issues like the machine security, the machine warranty and the customer assistance we get from the dealer were discussed thoroughly. I strongly recommend that you read the articles to fully grasp the benefits and profits you can get when you make the vending machine your personal business machine.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Wazzup with me?
Its been almost a week since I did my last blog post and I realized it just now that I miss posting. I guess blogging a part of me now, a part of my system. I am looking forward to write more posts for you guys. I will try to recollect the events that happened for the past few days and promise to write about it.... keep on tuning!
Roaming Portugal
One of the countries that I love to visit someday is Portugal. Do you know why? Aside from the fact that the Portuguese are related to the Philippine history, I am fascinated with their rich culture and tradition. My husband and I wanted to explore the different tourist spots of the country. As this is a vacation, I looked into their Aeroporto de Lisboa website for some guidelines. A personal choice of mine is hotel that is beachfront like the Hotel Porto Santo. But we could not do this if we don't have a ride that would take us to these captivating places.I looked into some car services and I checked on 121 car hire portugal. The company is obviously efficient in their services and would guarantee costumer satisfaction. So if you are considering a trip to Portugal, might as well get the services these company.
Sunday, June 14, 2009

Last friday was a blast! I watched the show at Central Bank. I must say Marissa Sanchez is one hell of a singer!!! She's better than any other singer wannabees in the music industry. I wonder why she wasn't given that much break in the world of music. She's a total performer, she can sing, dance and makes people laugh. Eric Santos, on the other hand, balanced the show as he was singing pop songs. I am a big fan of him. His simplicity just exudes of what he really is a performer and a person. He definitely captured the heart of the ladies in the audience and also the mothers as he dedicated one song for them. But the show won't be a total blast if the Stand-up comedy diva would not be around to make "okray" the audience. Vice ganda is undeniably the best and the most intelligent stand-up comedian. She is very articulate, well versed and smart. She thinks so fast that there was no dull moment with her. Vice can also sing, and she has a beautiful voice too! Very talented indeed!
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Scenic Furniture
I must admit, I am obsessed with furniture nowadays. You could not let me out in a mall without dropping by a furniture showroom. I observed that I am more attracted with antique looking furniture or rustic furniture. It is so classy and elegant. If your as fascinated with furniture like me, check the site and let me know about it!
Last Tuesday, Spyder Adventure Outland Store was finally blessed after almost two weeks of operating. It is located at Port Cafe, 2nd floor of Gaisano Mall.You can very unique and stylish designs of motorcycle helmets, sunglasses, gloves and other accessories associated with motorcycle. For ladies, you can also take a look at the designer guess and mossimo glasses sold at a very reasonable price. If you have time! come and visit the Spyder Adventure Store...
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Want to be a Hacker?
After watching Sandra Bullock's phenomenal hit movie, The Net, I just can't help but get impressed on how smart are they with computers and curious of how they go about hacking into other person's computer and alter every important detail in it. I was amazed of how they easily get into another person's file with ease and with out a trace. Aren't you impressed on how they do it? I am. I personally thought that hacking is a very bad thing to do especially if you try to invade and disrupt operations like that of the government or even offices. But how do we do away with these malicious hackers? I encountered the EC-Council while going through the net. The council speaks of and promotes Ethical Hacking. This kind of hacking does not disrupt nor invades other private properties; it works on the legal side by simply counteracting any operations contemplated by the hacker. Aside from the fact that this is a high-paying job, this would also give a big impact on the IT Security as it would cause the illegal hackers to think twice before entering into other property.
To all of you interested, EC-Council is giving out courses that will make you a Certified Ethical Hacker in no time! Other courses they offer include Secure Coding, Security Fundamentals, Computer Forensics and Disaster Recovery. All courses are aimed to a better awareness on the security status of your own personal property and to protect them before it's too late.

Sunday, June 7, 2009
Allergy Vs. Food Poisoning

Landscape Experts at your Service
Now that our garage construction is finished, I would like to work on our garden and that would be at the opposite side of the garage. This would balance the front view of our humble home. I know that this would be a very tedious and expensive project but still I want to go for it. I envisioned a nice garden with an exquisite landscape. Since the soil in our place is very rich as evidence by numerous wild flowers and shrubs growing on it, I wanted my garden to be endowed with nice flowering plants like roses, mumps and gerberas plus and orchid garden. I also would want to include aerial plants along the pathways and corners of the garden. In the center would be a nice fountain. On the farthest side of the garden, I would like to place a Mini cottage with a grilling area with a mini kitchen. All of these things are just but an ambiguous picture of how I want my garden to look like. So, I wanted a concrete idea on landscaping and I found a great help in Phoenix Landscaping, the site that inspired me with their wonderful creations. Their designs are exquisitely unique and very elegant. With their great variety of expertise and good, quality service made their company know through Phoenix. I encourage you to visit their site and take a look at some of their best landscape design.
Friday, June 5, 2009
Last Wednesday, my co-nurses and I attended a seminar on Computerization of our hospital's transaction. Personally, I was impressed with the moved to computerization and the advantages that goes along with it. The system was user-friendly, all personnel, computer literate or not can make use of it with ease. This new system will surely alleviate the work load of nurses and nursing attendants in the ward. In addition, the patient's watchers will have no difficulty in retrieving laboratory and radiology results. Hope this system will be implemented as soon a possible.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Know your Limits
One important thing to note when it comes to money matters are the ones involving credits and loans. I found this amazing site that will surely guide every Americans in conforming mortgage limit. Through this site you will be able to know your county's mortgage limit and by this way you will have an idea how much finances you can acquire. Check out their site and be informed!
Ronald left for Zamboanga this morning. It is the first time since we got married last december. I don't know what to feel. I mean, I'm glad that he will be able to visit his family. I'm partly sad because I will miss him for 4 days. I guess I now understand the feeling of my friends who are physically separated from their partners, especially those who are separated for years now. I can't imagine how much they miss each other. To do away with this misery, I divert my attention to my friends and of course preparing for my dad's birthday tomorrow. It's not easy not to think of him more often but I'm trying.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Suit Your Style
Dressing up is my day to day objective. All through my life, I have wanted to look good in front of everybody. I persuade my mom to buy me skinny jeans and off-shoulder blouses when I was in elementary as this was a fad then. In high school, I would save my allowance for the week to buy bootleg jeans or hooded shirts. When I was in college, I have this compulsion to go to every sale there is in the malls and factory outlets. Now, that I am working, I am all the more inclined to shopping as I am earning my own money. But, this time, I'm a wise shopper and not a compulsive shopper anymore. I always see to it that I get my money's worth in every item that I buy. I look at every detail, quality before going to the cashier. In shopping, I only go for trusted brands so as to get the feel of an authentic dress. One of the trusted brands I would say gave me so much happiness is AMIClubwear. From the first time I checked this amazing site until now, I always get the designer clothes I wanted. Just recently, AMI is giving away a $300 gift certificate as a way of saying thank you for their supporters who check their site over you tube. So calling all fashionista out there, read on AMI clubwear's official contest rules and get a chance to win the cash gift. Are you game? I am!

Miss me?
I miss has been what? 4 days? I was busy over the weekend and I don't get to come over my parent's house to surf the net. I don't have my own computer at home yet. We are planning to buy one but every time we would go for it, something would came up and the money that we saved for the pc is going somewhere else. Maybe it not yet time. When could that be? I couldn't wait any longer!
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