Thursday, April 1, 2010
Triduum Celebration
It's Holy Week once again, let us pause and reflect on the things that happened for the past year, on the people we encountered in our 12 months journey, on the things we commit and omit to do. May we all be blessed as we relieved Jesus journey to save us from our sins. Have a blessed holy week every one!!!
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
thank you
Yesterday, we laid our lola to her final resting place. After a solemn mass at around 9 am we convoyed to Davao Memorial Park. A final blessing was given and lola was lowered down to the ground. It was devastating loosing her but we now gained an angel who will pray for us. Thank You Lola. I am truly blessed to be part of your journey! Love You
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Early this morning I received a phone call from one of our househelp who looked after our grandmother in the ICU. She told me that our "lola" passed away at around 5:45 am. In a way it was a relief knowing that she would not be suffering any longer because she has been in the ICU for almost 3 weeks now. Watching her in distress is very agonizing to our family. She has been a fighter of diabetes and hypertension for the longest period of time. It was until last december when she had a minor stroke. The incident caused here system to crashed and slowly deteriorate. Seeing her not recognizing our name was a conclusion that lola is slowly fading away. I would like to recall my fondest memory with her during the times when she taught me how to play the piano the classical way. You see, I was not the ideal student she ever had. I had a difficult time shifting to classical, so she gave me an assignment to work on. During the times that I would not show up for classes, she would call my attention and ask how was i doing with the musical pieces she gave. All I ever said was, "Im still working on it la..." Then there came a time that I was so busy with schools and other stuffs that I never had the time for her tutorials. She never resented. During this time I playing for the church masses already. I can see that she was very proud of me as she would close her eyes while I was playing the organ. Lola was also very thoughtful as she would always give us something for christmas. I always got a blouse from her, very cute blouse... I guess it is from her that Cindy, my cousing, got her sense in fashion. Lola may not be my blood-related lola but she sure was there during my growing up years giving me inspiration. Good bye lola.... thank you for putting music into our lives.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
I just heard one great news and that news brought excitement to the whole family. My brother Mark is finally getting married. We are so delighted but kinda panicked in a way because this is going to be this april already. There a lot of things to do and to prepare. Just saw their wedding reception venue, it going to be in QC.. The place is very romantic and perfect for garden weddings. Can't wait to go there and see it for myself. As of now, im saving for a gift....their wedding invites. will keep you guys posted with the preparation.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Happy New Year Everyone!!!!!
Welcome year 2010!!! So excited to unveil this year's surprises!!! Let us all welcome it with a happy heart! Cheers!!!
Monday, December 28, 2009
Mcdo Break
My friend, Xiela, arrived from europe last weekend. She's one of my childhood buddies. It's been almost 2 years since her last visit. We finally get to bond tonight. We ate at our fave chain.... McDonalds!!!! We did a lot of catching ups..... It felt so good to be sharing a part of me with someone who really cares. Can't wait for our next session.... hopefully, our friend Leah from Cebu will pursue her plans of coming over to spend new year with us.
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Happy Holidays Everyone!!!!
It's Christmas time once again!!!! I'm so happy that my brother from manila came over to celebrate christmas with us. It felt just like the good ol' days.... those days when we were still young and we would gather around the table to have our noche buena. A little sad because my hubby went home to zamboanga to celebrate christmas with his mother. We had our usual exchanging of gifts. I got a wallet from my sister and a purse from my soon-to-be sister-in-law, Sue. Ronald surprise with a gift that he left under our christmas tree before he went home to zamboanga. It was a watch, an elegant yet simple watch, the very thing I want for christmas.... Thanks byngks! We had our yearly reunion last night and it was a blast! Everybody was having fun with the food, games and gift giving sessions! Indeed christmas for us is something to look forward to every year.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Vertigo Attacks
Last week was definitely not my week. While I was driving on my to meet my hubby after my, I suddenly felt dizzy. I tried to focus on my driving since I am just a few blocks away from where my hubby was waiting for me. When I finally reached him. I let him drive and sank my head into the car pillow. When we reached home, I never said a word to him and went directly to bed. I woke up early to pee and was shocked to know that I still felt the dizziness and this time I almost lost balance. I slowly went back to bed and told my hubby to drive me to the hospital because I need to have myself check. When we got to the hospital, the doctor told me that I have vestibular neuritis and that causes my loss of balance. It was an awful experience being not able to stand and do things alone. It went on for more than a week. Boredom set in and I felt so helpless. Now, I am slowly gaining my skills without assistance anymore. Thank God!
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Cry for Help!
Last Saturday, the country was hit by a raging typhoon. It was so devastating and nobody was prepared for it. The most affected area is the metro manila area. Water was all over the place flooding every house up to 5 to 6 ft high. Many cars were stranded and eventually washed away with strong current. People from every walk of life are all victims. Even subdivisions that are not flood-prone are now submerged uinderwater. Many lives were lost due to drowning, hypothermia and maybe starvation. Many lives too are lost while risking to save other people's lives. The Philippines needs our prayers and our support. We proved to the world many times before that we are a resilient country, let us show to the world that we still are. Be strong Philippines! Hold On....
Monday, September 21, 2009
This morning my dad had an accident during his gym session. A 15 lb dumble plate hit his forehead leaving a 2-inch open wound on it. He was bleeding profusely when his friend found him. My mom and I hurriedly went to check on him and brought him to the hospital. The doctor had his head x-rayed and the wound stitched up. He will be under observation for 24 hours. Im praying and hoping that he will recover well without any complications.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Last September 18, the mhc rr-sicu staff went on an escapade! We decided to invade the wonderful place of Kapatagan. We left Davao City at around 9:30 and arrived at the place near 11 am. we had a late breakfast and then later, prepared our lunch. The place was own by the aunt of my co-RR nurse. We were lucky enough to have the place exclusively for us and of course for free! It was a breathtaking experience considering we were on top of a mountain and all we see are the green trees, elegant mountain and the great blue sky. We hit the pool right before we had our lunch, we just couldn't resist the tempting the cold blue water. Here are some of the pics taken during that day! have fun!

Thursday, September 17, 2009
So Excited!
Tomorrow will be a big day for the MHC RR-SICU staffs. We will be having an escaped to a place we are still planning to invade. All we know that all of us will be having a day off from the hospital premises. Looking forward for this big event! Guys? Where are we really going?
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Ronald will be leaving for 13 day field work in cagayan, pagadian and ipil. This will be his longest trip since we got married. I never imagined that it would be this difficult. Well, there's nothing I can do, duty calls. I just pray that he will be safe all the time and hope he gets better because he still has a fever.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Yesterday, my cousins from Manila arrived. We are having a sort of a reunion since we haven't seen each other for a while and some of them have not visited davao for the longest time. They are planning to go to the different attraction sites here in davao such as the crocodile park, pearl farm beach resort and just yesterday, they went to eden nature park. They will only be here for a short period of time, so we are really trying to fit everything in.
Since my high school days I have been wanting to own a ROLEX watch. You may wonder how I came to know the brand ROLEX. Well, it first came to my senses when a contest was held asking the contestants to name all the different watch brands in the market and one the contestant mentioned Rolex. I was intrigue by the name so I looked into and fell in love with the watch instantaneously.The designs are extraordinarily elegant and classy. The silvery straps are exquisitely genuine that it would not harm your skin. A lot of the Rolex watches, especially the ladies watch comes with diamond studs that would surely melt all the ladies' hearts. Did you know that to distinguish a genuine rolex watch from the fake ones is the serial number that is engraved on it? Well better start looking into rolex watches and see if it bore a serial number. For those of you who are interested and are looking for rolex watches, check out this site, There you can see Rolex watches in different colors with different designs to choose from. Best of Time also offers product warranty and unbelievably great discounts when you purchase one of these elegant Rolex watches. So what are you waiting for? Check the site and own a Rolex!
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Extremely Happy!
This morning, Ronald arrived from Manila after 4 days of seminar. I realized that I really missed him a lot. I thank God for the safe trip home. We went to the supermarket this afternoon to fill in our empty grocery rack and visited my parents after. I am glad to be able to spend time with him again. Will make the most out of it coz the week after next, he will be going on a trip again. I guess I just have to accept the nature of his work.
Friday, September 4, 2009
100% Pure Fun!
Last night was a blast! The RR-SICU staff and some of East Wing and CCU staffs started the night with a casual dinner. Me and two of my colleagues arrived late. Some the peeps were already hitting the video-oke. After dinner, our beloved "boss" started a sort of a meeting, there he explained the reason of the unplanned get-together. The first agenda of the meeting was all about the technicalities of MHC. Issues on staffing and interpersonal relationships were tackled. The second part was all about our wishes for our Ate Karen who will be leaving for the States soon. We said our goodlucks and thank yous to her and of course our wish that she will soon find her one true love there. After the meeting, it was party time! We all took turn in holding the microphone, singing our hearts out. We stayed up until 1:30 in the morning. Left the place with a big smile in our face! Thanks for the treat boss!
Thursday, September 3, 2009
The nurses in the RR and SICU of MHC felt some kind of a relief when our pt. was extubated yesterday. Even our consultants feared that our pt will have a difficult recovery but with God's grace and mercy, he was able to pull through. Tonight, our doctor is planning to have a thanksgiving threat for all of us. We're going to have some well-deserved fun tonight! keep posted!
I want a CAR!
I may sound pathetic but my life now is in a slow paced. Without my car, I can not go to places I want to go and do the things that concerns going to different places without boarding a cab. It is indeed difficult having to move around especially if you're used to have your own car. I checked into some site the sells used cars and I'm glad to have found some cars that would suit my taste and needs. I was actually looking for an SUV that would defy the flooded areas that we are passing to and from our home. I am also considering the ratio of gas or diesl consumption of the car since prices are going up inevitably. I'm glad to have found this site. For those of you who are interested, check this site out!
No Show
We're supposed to leave for Zamboanga today for mamang's 60th birthday but for some unforseen circumstances that ronald had to go to manila for a seminar we were not able to use our plane tickets. A waste of money indeed. The ticket cost us around P3500. Sigh! I guess, life is always like this...full of surprises and changes. All we have to do is to be ready.
Friday, August 28, 2009
Web Hosting, the one Solution
Indeed Web Hosting services contributed a lot when it comes to publishing my. In this way all other bloggers, advertisers and casual internet surfers would have an idea of my blog and such blog actually exists. Almost verybody get to read not only my blog and also my friends in my blogroll. In a way, it markets my blog to potential advertisers, making it easy for me to get posting opportunity. webhosting plays a very significant role to every potential bloggers, writers and publishers who wish to have their work published and eventually earn something from it. Articles, reviews and all sorts of blogpost are now made available and accessible in the World Wide Web through this hosting services. As far as I know, there are quite a number of Web hosting providers, who are credible and efficient in terms of their services. Their aim is to give a better and quality service to their clients.
Web hosting services comes in different categories. So those bloggers and advertisers who specializes on certain issues and topics can readily avail of specific services. In addition, this providers have bonus features that clients may avail making their transactions easier. For all of you aspiring bloggers, writers, advertisers, computer fanatics and even businessmen and women, check out this web hosting sites and you’ll find what you are really looking for.
Web hosting services comes in different categories. So those bloggers and advertisers who specializes on certain issues and topics can readily avail of specific services. In addition, this providers have bonus features that clients may avail making their transactions easier. For all of you aspiring bloggers, writers, advertisers, computer fanatics and even businessmen and women, check out this web hosting sites and you’ll find what you are really looking for.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Happy Birthday!
Yesterday was my hubby's 32nd birthday. He started his day by visiting the church near our home then he passes by the bakery to buy his favorite custard cake and headed back home. He woke me up and we ate the cake and the tuna sandwich I made the night before. Then, we headed to SM to have our lunch. We decided to binge on KFC's famous hot and crispy chicken and hotshots. We then went to buy short order meals for his office mates. After dropping by their office we went directly to my parents place. We waited till it's time to hear mass. After the mass we went to a buffet resto for a celebration. It was raining so hard that we stayed long enough to consume all their iced tea. After the heavy downpour we finally head home. It was a simple yet a very memorable day for byngky. Happy birthday!
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Beautiful Song
This song just captured my heart. This song simply proves that true love really exist. This song is actually written by the late Sen. Ninoy Aquino for the late Pres. Corazon Aquino.Mr. Jose Marie Chan put the melody and arranged it into a beautiful song and now revived by Christian Bautista.
Here it is....
Here it is....
We all undeniably and inevitably want to smell good all the time. I, myself, am very particular with smell. I have this very picky nose. If ever I smell something that I don't like, my nose just express it all. It starts to flare and then commence with a very irritating sneeze. Sensitive huh? Because of this, I have been very particular with the kind of scent that I wear. I love the Clinique's Happy for Men for its mildness and Sarah Jessica Parker's Lovely for its sweet seductive scent. Lucky for us, we can now avail of this signature fragrances thru online perfume websites. For those who love perfumes and colognes this is the best spot for you. Try checking the site out and enjoy!!!!
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Letting Go!
Just this afternoon, a potential buyer checked out my car. It didn't bother me at first. I thought he was just going to check the unit and bargain for our selling price. But then when he spilled out that they are going to buy the car, reality hit me, I am actually giving my car away. I really don't know what to think or feel as of this time. I'm so heartbroken. I love my car so much but its time to upgrade into something that could help us cut the cost of gasoline expenses. The buyer is going to see the car tomorrow for the second time. sob....
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